This marketplace allows workplace health and safety professionals to search for products and services by category. We appreciate the expertise of our suppliers and look forward to helping them connect with our workplace health and safety community.   The Michigan Safety Conference does not endorse any product or service.

Michigan Safety Conference Product/Service Directory

Hastings Air Energy Control, Inc.

Contact: Doug Young
Work 5555 S Westridge Drive New Berlin WI Website:


Dust collectors, Air Cleaners, Weld Fume Extraction, Vehicle Exhaust Removal, Air Filters, Accessories

Meet and beat exposure limits with Hastings equipment and expertise. Hastings offers wet or dry dust collectors, at-source weld gun fume extraction, vacuum systems, downdraft tables, arms and hoods, environmental booths, and service backed by 50 years of experience. Our goal is healthier work environments for employees and lower cost of ownership for employers.