This marketplace allows workplace health and safety professionals to search for products and services by category. We appreciate the expertise of our suppliers and look forward to helping them connect with our workplace health and safety community.   The Michigan Safety Conference does not endorse any product or service.

Michigan Safety Conference Product/Service Directory


Contact: Heidi Hill
Work 7600 Leesburg Pike East Building, Suite 100 Falls Church VA 22043 USA Work Phone: 703-761-1146 Website:


Photo of VPPPA, Inc.
The Voluntary Protection Programs Participants’ Association (VPPPA) was born from a passion for safety and a dedication to the VPP Participants.  VPPPA provides occupational safety, health and environmental leaders with networking and educational opportunities, up-to-the-minute legislative information, industry advancements, preferred vendors and consultants dedicated to VPP and safety and health management systems, mentoring resources, professional development and volunteer opportunities.
Connections Business Directory | Leaflet | © OpenStreetMap contributors

7600 Leesburg Pike East Building, Suite 100 Falls Church VA 22043 USA