Why Exhibit?

Approximately 2,000 registered safety professionals attend the trade show, as well as the 120 quality educational programs put on by our training divisions in the following areas of workplace health and safety:

Agricultural Safety and Rescue, Chemical, Construction, Emergency Management/Fire Safety, Environmental Management, Ergonomics, Healthcare, Industrial, Industrial Hygiene, Metal Fabricating, MIOSHA Consultation Education and Training (CET), Public Utilities, Risk and Insurance, Security, and Transportation.

Who Attends

Over 48% of our attendees are safety directors, with an additional 16% as managers/supervisors.

How We Market

Email campaigns, website, social media, postcard mailings, exhibit live at trade shows, flyer mailings, meetings, trainings, and advertisements. We also provide graphics to volunteers, speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors, so they can help market the show as well.

Benefits To Your Company

  • Year-long listing in our online Product/Service Directory 
  • Company name will appear in the show directory (if signed up by March 10th)
  • Making face-to-face contact with potential and current customers
  • You will receive an excel list of all attendees with contact information
  • Access to 120+training classes
  • Show your commitment to workplace health and safety