Sponsorship is $200.00 and non-exclusive
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Using Emotional Intelligence to Enhance Your Safety Impact (Intermediate)
Michael L. Eckert, CSP, CSHM, CAWC, Vice President, Risk Services, Guy Hurley Insurance and Surety Services
Safety professionals often struggle with how to message and motivate organizational safety growth, even in organizations with highly motivated and intelligent teammates. This interactive presentation will identify strategies for the safety professional to use to boost the effect of their safety efforts.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Property Insurance Risk Control Visit: What are they looking for, anyway? (Intermediate)
Kathryn Carpenter, ALCM, RRE, Risk Control Director, NE Region, CNA
You’ve been assigned to meet the property insurance Risk Control Consultant and show them around the plant. What are they looking for and why? What can you expect and how can you be prepared?
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
Top 10 Tips to Enhance your Claims Program (Intermediate)
Mollie Kallen, MS, CCM, CRC, Vice President of Business Development, The IMA Group
What you don’t know about workers’ compensation can cost you in more ways than you know. However, through a holistic approach to case management, those responsible dealing with workers compensation can avoid common pitfalls, without compromising professional ethics and legal liability exposures.
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm
Athletic Training as a Risk Management Strategy (Basic)
Dan Clapper, MS. AT, ATC Manager, Outreach Orthopedics, Orthopedics@Work, Corewell Health
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a risk within any organization and not only increase workers’ compensation costs, but also impact productivity, quality of life and the culture of the organization. Mitigating the risks of MSD is not simply providing a list of ergonomic suggestions and recommendations to improve safety and company culture. There are times when a specialist is required to focus directly on culture, safety, injury prevention, and bring all the pieces of culture and safety together. Athletic trainers can be the answer for many companies, see how during this presentation.
Wednesday, April 16, 2025
9:00 am – 10:00 am
Leader Behaviors that Deliver Better Results (Intermediate)
Dr. John Austin, Reaching Results
The field of safety is full of people who want to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Succeeding in this area requires you to develop your own leadership skills and help leaders around you do the same. Dr. Austin will discuss the model of behavioral leadership he has used in coaching hundreds of safety leaders over the past 30 years. Participants will leave with some actionable ideas of what they can do to improve their own leadership behaviors, and those of others they serve in their organization. Dr. Austin will facilitate group discussion and deliver this message through stories and examples, in an entertaining and accessible way, and participants will leave with ideas for effective strategies they can immediately apply.
10:15 am – 11:15 am
Believe in Safety – A Survivor’s Story (Intermediate)
Brandon Schroeder, Believe in Safety
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, ensuring safety has become an utmost priority for individuals, organizations, and communities alike. Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking presentation by Brandon Schroeder, where he will shed light on the crucial concept of “Believe in Safety” and its tranformative power in our lives.
Brandon Schroeder, a renowned safety speaker and career tradesman, will delve into an arc flash accident that should have ended his life in 2011. Brandon will guide you through his terrifying arc flash explosion and agonizing recovery process, he will navigate the audience through his mindset and journey as well as offer practical strategies to foster a culture of safety in any environment.
11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Isn’t it Obvious? (Intermediate)
Michael Jolet, Co-Managing Partner and President, Hewson & Van Hellemont; Michael Huntsman, Managing Partner, SuperiorX Investigations
The recent changes to “open and obvious” and the substantive effects that will result from the new standard. How to defend and attach against the new standard and the expected results.
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm
AI in Safety – the Good the Bad & the Ugly (Intermediate)
Heather Chapman, MS, CSP, CHMM, CAES, III, Principal, Paradigm Safety
Compared to older technologies and manual methods, AI in Safety offers superior speed, accuracy, and reliability, making it a valuable tool for enhancing safety in various industries. But, there are pitfalls: issues like liability, intellectual property rights, regulatory compliance, ethical dilemmas, it lacks the human ability to use emotion and creativity decisions, and worse, bad actors can exploit AI to launch cyberattacks. AI is here to stay, so what should a Safety Professional do?
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Limitations, Litigation and Lies (Intermediate)
Russell Elder, Shareholder, Hewson & Van Hellemont; and Michael Huntsman, Managing Partner, SuperiorX Investigations
The focus of this program will be uncovering actionable intel in workers compensation claims to limit risk exposure and the effect on litigation.
Division Members
BHS Insurance Agency, Inc.
Bob Schneider
Peoplelink Group
Zach Mikulec, GSP
BHS Insurance
Kellie Anderson, CPCU, ARM, AIM
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Gary Boyer, CSP
The Cincinnati Insurance Companies
Mary Kamsickas, CSP, CFPS, CPCU, ARM
Hanover Insurance Group
Matt Kempf
Newaygo Insurance Agency
Eric Krieger, CSP, MBA
TriCoast Advisors
Karen Satterfield, CSP
Citizens Insurance Company
Michelle Trudell
SuperiorX Investigations